“What is the necessary outdoor gear” is broadly discussed in adventure, hiking, riding, and camping groups,etc. Surprisingly, most believe that a flexible flashlight is the most necessary. Because you always need auxiliary light in outdoor activities. Below are some pictures.
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Camping with a magnetic flashlight |
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Riding with flashlight |
After seeing such pictures, let us see what qualification will be needed as an outdoor gear flashlight and why the flexible flashlight Bronte V2 is fit.
1) Small and light.
As an outdoor enthusiast, it is a burden to bring heavy gears. We would prefer to take necessity as less and lighter as possible. Heavy duty gears are obstacles especially in emergency or possible dangers. While Bronte V2 is a pocket flashlight and weighs around 70 g (2.5 oz with 2 battery and 1 extra tube).It’s easy to put into pocket or clip on belt.
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Size of V2 |
2.) High Lumen brightness.
Bronte V2 is a high lumen flashlight. High effective Led Cree XPG G2 is used and generates lighting as high as 500 Lumens. Also it has different output mode to meet your various demand for lighting.
3) Flexible and long run time.
This flashlight is a flexible flashlight with multiple cells. Either AA or 14500 Batteries can work. 1 or 2 be used as per your request. With 2 batteries, it can run as long as 115 hours.
4) User friendly design.
This high lumen flashlight is very user friendly with its design. User will be very easy and convenient for operation.
Its features make it more easily griping, carrying and operating. Waterproof allows it work under all weather and strong magnetic gives more convenience for users. These distinguish this flexible flashlight as a necessary gear for outdoor enthusiasts.