
Environment Protection:Stop Refrigerant leakage

Leakage of refrigerant is harmful to your health and environment.As all refrigerants  are chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs,which are controlled substances and should be carefully removed and disposed.Once it leaks, it will evaporate as a gas and is harmful to inhale, causing a variety of health problems, including nausea, headache and in extreme cases asphyxiation. Also it will damage the environment and cause a lot of problems to your air conditioners or cars.
Generally when you find your air conditioner is not as cool as before or your car engine suddenly becomes hot or even smells .You may suspect a leakage occurred.
You need a mechanic for further check and action or you can do it yourself.
What you need are:
UV Dye
The mechanic will add UV dye to your air conditioning system and run it for several minutes. Then turn off all lights and pick out the UV pocket flashlight to check where the dye is leaking from.UV die will glow brightly under the light of UV pocket flashlight.

After carefully examine, they will take further action to stop leakage.This is a very simple way to use a pocket flashlight detecting leakage.However, it is advised to do by mechanic professionals.

